# Shell

# Zsh and Oh My Zsh

## Zsh
sudo apt install zsh
chsh -s $(which zsh)

## Log out and log back in again

## Oh My Zsh
# https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh#basic-installation

插件 zsh-syntax-highlighting (opens new window), zsh-autosuggestions (opens new window)


# 迁移 (ohmy)zsh 配置

将 home 下的 .zshrc 文件,.oh-my-zsh 目录(一般插件也安装在其子目录下)复制即可,其它还有我个人使用的主题文件 .p10k.zsh


# 生成并配置密钥

https://www.ssh.com/ssh/keygen/ (opens new window)

# cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen                           ## 生成公、私钥,默认分别为 id_rsa.pub 和 id_rsa
ssh-copy-id -i id_rsa.pub user@host  ## 将公钥复制到服务器

ssh -v user@host                     ## 输出调试信息 (verbose)

# 配置文件

  • 全局 /etc/ssh/ssh_config
  • 用户 ~/.ssh/config


## Host <pattern ...>
Host *.ac.uk
#   HostName <the real hostname (or IP) to login to>
    PreferredAuthentications publickey,keyboard-interactive,password,hostbased
#   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/another_id_rsa
#   Port 2333

其中 pattern 用来匹配 ssh 命令中的 host 名称,同时设置多个 pattern 时用空格隔开

对于每个配置,其取值为最先匹配到的值,所以 Host * 这种规则应该放在最后,相当于 fallback

More on https://linux.die.net/man/5/ssh_config (opens new window)

# 传文件 scp

# Between remote and local

## scp [-P port] [[<user>@]<host>:]<source_file ...> [[<user>@]<host>:]<target>

## from local to remote
scp foo.txt bar.txt user@host:~
scp {foo,bar}.txt user@host:~
scp *.txt user@host:~

## from remote to local
scp user@host:/remote/folder/\{foo,bar\}.txt local/folder/

Glob patterns can be used (e.g. *.{py,json} matches all Python and JSON files).


Using \{foo,bar\}.txt will transfer the files in a single connection/batch (since they'll be expanded on the remote host), while using {foo,bar}.txt will open multiple connections, and the overhead is quite noticeable when transferring many files.

# check with `-o LogLevel=DEBUG`
# \{foo,bar\}
debug1: Sending command: scp -d -f /remote/folder/{foo,bar}.txt

# {foo,bar}
debug1: Sending command: scp -d -f /remote/folder/foo.txt
debug1: Sending command: scp -d -f /remote/folder/bar.txt

此外使用引号 '/remote/folder/{foo,bar}.txt' 也可以达到和 \{foo,bar\}.txt 同样的效果


远程设备上的文件路径也可以使用 Tab 补全,只需配置好身份验证(比如公钥验证)。如前文所提示,记得使用 \ 转义花括号,否则路径补全可能无法正常工作。

# Between remote hosts


## host1 → host2
scp user1@host1:~/foo.txt user2@host2:~/somewhere

## host1 → local → host2
scp -3 user1@host1:~/foo.txt user2@host2:~/somewhere

With -3 the file is transferred through the local host, otherwise it would first ssh to host1 and then run scp from host1 to host2, which requires you to set up the authorization credentials for host2 on host1.

https://superuser.com/a/686527/950027 (opens new window)

# Copy a folder (-r)

scp -r user@your.server.example.com:/path/to/foo /home/user/Desktop/

NOTE: By not including the trailing / at the end of foo, you will move the directory itself (including contents), rather than only the contents of the directory.

user@your.server.example.com:/path/to/foo 一般很长,可以考虑在 .bashrc定义一个变量

# rsync

official docs (opens new window)

## rsync [OPTION...] SRC... [DEST]
rsync -ah dir1/ dir2
# -a    ## --archive, syncs recursively, preserves symbolic links, permissions etc.
# -h    ## --human-readable
# -z    ## --compress
# -v    ## --verbose
# -n    ## --dry-run
# -L    ## --copy-links
# --info=progress2   ## progress1, per-file progress; progress2, total transfer progress
# --exclude=PATTERN  ## e.g. "*.json"
# --include=PATTERN

注意 /dir2 会被自动创建,如果中间的路径都存在的话)

rsync -ah dir1/ dir2
## dir1/* → dir2/*
rsync -ah dir1 dir2
## dir1/* → dir2/dir1/*

文件量很多的时候,建议先使用 -n 选项检查会被传输的文件列表

rsync -anv dir1/ dir2

通过 SSH 传输

rsync -ah --info=progress2 -e 'ssh -p 2333' user@host:/foo .
## more example, `-e 'ssh -i mykey -p 2333'`

# ls

## ls [OPTION...] [FILE or DIR...]
ls -a             ## include entries starting with `.`
ls -l             ## detailed information
ls | head [-<n>]  ## only show first n entries (default 10)
ls | tail         ## ...

## 有些 `.bashrc` 中默认定义了一些 aliases
alias ll='ls -alF'
alias la='ls -A'  ## except for `.` and `..`
alias l='ls -CF'

## 统计文件数量 (wc, word count)
ls | wc -l        ## --lines

# 文件权限 chmod


  • r read
  • w write
  • x execute (if it is a file)
$ ls -l
-rwxr-xr--  1 dgerman  staff  823 Dec 16 15:03 sample_file
││  │  │      │        │      │                └ file/dir name
││  │  │      │        │      └ file size in bytes
││  │  │      │        └ group owner
││  │  │      └ user owner
││  │  └ other permissions (users who are neither the file owner nor in the group)
││  └ group permissions
│└ user permissions
└ regular file (-) or folder (d) etc.
chmod [-R] [references][operator][modes] <file ...>
##     │    │           │         └ r, w, x, etc.
##     │    │           └ +, -, =
##     │    └ u (user), g (group), o (other), a (all)
##     └ --recursive

chmod ug=rx sample_file

也可以使用数字直接设置 3 组权限,r 为 4,w 为 2,x 为 1

$ chmod 664 sample_file
$ ls -l sample_file
-rw-rw-r--  1 jsmith programmers 57 Jul  3 10:13  sample_file

# wget

# 任务管理 nohup, ps, kill, jobs, fg, bg, disown

# Start a command in background

nohup your_command_here > output_file 2>&1 </dev/null &

jobs     ## doesn't work once logged out
ps x

kill %i  ## i is the job id, not pid
kill <pid ...>

# Move a foreground job to background

## press `ctrl-z` to suspend the current running command
jobs      ## check the job id
bg        ## resume the current suspended job in the background
# disown  ## execute this if zsh refuzes to exit when there are running jobs

Bash Reference Manual (opens new window)

# Check task status

# p <pid ...>  ## select by process id(s), identical to -p and --pid
# a            ## list all processes with a terminal
# x            ## list all processes owned by you

ps aux | grep <search_str> | grep <another_str>
## pipe into grep or cat in case the output is truncated at the width of the terminal




       Here are the different values that the s, stat and state output specifiers
       (header "STAT" or "S") will display to describe the state of a process:

               D    uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)
               I    Idle kernel thread
               R    running or runnable (on run queue)
               S    interruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete)
               T    stopped by job control signal
               t    stopped by debugger during the tracing
               W    paging (not valid since the 2.6.xx kernel)
               X    dead (should never be seen)
               Z    defunct ("zombie") process, terminated but not reaped by its

       For BSD formats and when the stat keyword is used, additional characters may
       be displayed:

               <    high-priority (not nice to other users)
               N    low-priority (nice to other users)
               L    has pages locked into memory (for real-time and custom IO)
               s    is a session leader
               l    is multi-threaded (using CLONE_THREAD, like NPTL pthreads do)
               +    is in the foreground process group

# 别名 alias, type

## append the following line to `~/.bashrc` (or `~/.bash_aliases`)
alias cmd='your command'
$ type cmd
cmd is aliased to `your command'
$ unalias cmd
$ type cmd
type: cmd: not found

# tee


python train.py 2>&1 | tee out.txt

实践经验:注意使用 2>&1 将 stderr 也保存下来

# find

find . -name '*.ipynb'

## case insensitive
find . -iname 'foo*'

## max depth
find . -maxdepth 3 -name '*bar'

GNU find searches the directory tree rooted at each given file name by evaluating the given expression from left to right, according to the rules of precedence (see section OPERATORS), until the outcome is known (the left hand side is false for and operations, true for or), at which point find moves on to the next file name.

# 示例:列出符合条件的文件名

列出子目录下的文件,每行开头加上 -i 然后合并为一行,可以用作 ffmpeg 的输入

input_str=$(find . -path './result*/out.mp4' | sort -n | sed 's/^/-i /' | paste -sd ' ')

# 示例:压缩特定文件

排除多个目录,并使用多个筛选条件,最后压缩成 zip 文件

find . \( -path './log' -or -path './video*' \) -prune -or \
    -type f \( -name '*.py' -or -name '*.yaml' \) -exec zip out.zip {} +

注意 如果搜索的路径是 .,那么 -path 也需要使用 . 开头(如 ./log),严格匹配

# 文件压缩、解压 zip, tar

# zip


zip -r output.zip <file ...> [-x <file ...>]
## <file> can be file or dir
# -r <zip_file> <file ...>  ## --recurse-paths (-R --recurse-patterns)
# -u <zip_file> <file ...>  ## update the files in the zip archive
# -d <zip_file> <file ...>  ## delete the files from the zip archive
# -x <file ...>             ## exclude these files, e.g. -x '*.git*'


# -y  ## store symbolic links as is, instead of the referenced file

# -0  ## store only (no compression)  ---  30s for 1.6G jpg files
# -1  ## compress faster              ---  70s for 1.6G jpg files
# -9  ## compress better

-x 默认相对于要压缩的根路径,如在下面的命令中 -x 'tmp/*'-x results/tmp/* 是等价的

zip -r data.zip results -x '*.pt' -x '**/__pycache__/*'
## 压缩 results 目录,排除任意目录的 .pt 文件、任意 __pycache__ 子目录


  • -r 会递归压缩给定的目录,包括空文件夹
  • -R 是(递归地)匹配满足要求的文件再压缩


unzip <zip_file>
# -d <dir>  ## optional directory to which to extract files


zip -sf file.zip | grep -v '/.'
# -sf <zip_file>            ## --show-files
## show the files that would be operated on, without actually processing them
## use `grep -v '/.'` to show only the first-level files
## use `/.*/.` to also include the second level


zip -R output.zip '*.py' '*.json' -x 'results*/*' -x 'log/*'

-x 排除的目录仍然会被扫描,可能非常耗时,想避免则可以使用 find 命令配合 -prune-exec zip 等参数来实现筛选压缩的功能

# tar


tar -czvf archive.tar.gz <file ...> [--exclude=<pattern ...>]
# -c  ## create an archive
# -z  ## compress the archive with gzip
# -v  ## verbose
# -f  ## allow to specifiy the filename of the archive
# --exclude        ## can be used multiple times


tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz --one-top-level[=<dir>]
# -x  ## extract an archive
# --one-top-level  ## extract all files into <dir>,
                   ## or by default a new folder with the name of the archive


tar -tvf file.tar
tar -ztvf file.tar.gz
# -t  ## list the contents of an archive
## use above `--exclude` option to show only first level (`*/*`) or second level (`*/*/*`)

# 文件大小与硬盘占用 du, df

du -ah [-d <max_depth>] [--exclude <relative_path>] [path]
# -a, --all
# -h, --human-readable
# -d, --max-depth

du -ah -d 1 | sort -rh | head
## pipe the result of `du` to `sort` and take the top-10 results
# -r, reverse order
# -h, --human-numeric-sort

df -lh -x squashfs -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs  ## 忽略不关心的文件系统

或者使用交互式的查看工具 ncdu(用 apt 安装)

ncdu / --exclude home --exclude media
## 查看根目录硬盘空间占用,home 和 media 除外

# Command history

  • press Ctrl + R to start search
  • press Ctrl + R again to see the next result
  • press Tab to accept a result

How to use bash history commands (opens new window)

# 使用变量

## define a variable
$ a="world"        ## NOTE whitespace is not allowed before/after `=`
$ echo hello $a    ## use directly
hello world
$ echo "hello $a"  ## inside a double-quoted string
hello world
$ echo 'hello $a'  ## single-quoted strings are interpreted literally
hello $a
## 使用 for 循环
for i in {1..10}  ## press `Enter` here and continue typing
echo $i

## 更多处理
echo $(printf %02d $i)           ## 01 02 03 ...
echo $(printf %02d $(($i * 2)))  ## 02 04 06 ...

## 遍历文件
for f in *
for f in *.txt
## 截取字符串
$ echo '0123456789' | cut -c1-4  ## 1-based index, both inclusive
## in the `.bashrc` file
export rds='username@bluebear.bham.ac.uk:/rds'

## use in a command
scp $rds/path/to/foo .
## `scp username@bluebear.bham.ac.uk:/rds/path/to/foo .`

http://www.compciv.org/topics/bash/variables-and-substitution/ (opens new window)

定义变量前加上 export 则会定义为环境变量

更多操作见 https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Shell-Parameter-Expansion.html (opens new window)

# split

split -b 1024m file prefix
cat filea fileb filec > file
Last updated: 12/1/2024, 4:22:56 PM