# 英式和美式

单词/词组 BE AE
单程/往返 single/return trip one-way/round trip
地铁 underground/tube subway
地下通道 subway underpass
秋天 autumn fall
发音 BE AE
tomato /təˈmɑːtəʊ/ /təˈmeɪdoʊ/
Z zed /zɛd/ zee /ziː/
rock /rɒk/ /rɑːk/

In most English-speaking countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Zambia and Australia, the letter's name is zed /zɛd/, ... but in American English its name is zee /ziː/

Z - Wikipedia (opens new window)

Last updated: 3/31/2021, 4:28:40 PM