# Friends S01 E03

# Words

  • leather - 皮革
  • wrist /rɪst/ - 手腕
  • flick - 轻拍;轻弹
  • odds - n. [plural] 几率
  • whimper - 呜咽
  • yardstick - 准绳;(好坏或成败的)衡量标准;码尺
  • innate - 与生俱来的;固有的
  • chew - 咀嚼
  • row - v. 划(船)


  • v. [T] to go with someone to a particular place, for example because you want to protect them from danger, or show them the way:
    He offered to walk her home/to the station.


  • n. 靠垫;软垫
  • v. to make the effect or force of something softer;缓和冲击
    The soft grass cushioned his fall.


  • n. (SMOKING) an act of smoking
    She took a puff on her cigarette and thought for a moment.


  • n.
    • a large group of animals of the same type that live and feed together 牧群;兽群
    • MAINLY DISAPPROVING. a large group of people that is considered together as a group and not separately 人群;芸芸众生


  • v.
    • INFORMAL. to hit hard
    • [T] to criticize someone severely


  • (PUT DOWN) to put down or drop something in a careless way
    He came in with four shopping bags and dumped them on the table.


  • v. (EXPRESS) to express something in words
    She wanted to tell him that she didn't want to see him any more, but she didn't know how to put it.
    Has everyone had a chance to put their point of view?

# Phrases

go with sb/sth

  • INFORMAL. to accept an idea or agree with a person 同意;接受

go through sth

  • (EXAMINE) to examine something that contains a collection of things carefully in order to organize them or find something
    I'm going through my wardrobe and throwing out all the clothes I don't wear any more.
    Remember to go through the pockets before you put those trousers in the washing machine.
  • see S01E01
  • ...

put sth out

  • 关(灯),熄灭(火,烟头)
    Firefighters have been called to put out the fire in the city centre.

# Others

05:45 -- 06:04 虚拟语气

Phoebe: It's not mine, I didn't earn it, if I kept it, it would be like stealing.
Rachel: Yeah, but if you spent it, it would be like shopping!
Phoebe: Okay. Okay, let's say I bought a really great pair of shoes. Do you know what I'd hear, with every step I took?

nursery rhyme - 童谣;儿歌

a thing or two

  • some matters, facts, or information 一些事情;些许知识,一星半点
    Why don't you ask Andrew about it? He knows a thing or two about (= has some knowledge of) computers.

have had it with someone/something

  • to not be willing to continue to deal with someone or something
    I’ve had it with this job – I’m quitting.

(every) now and then

ALSO (every) now and again

  • sometimes but not very often; from time to time 偶尔

déjà vu 既视感

逮虾户 (opens new window) 🚐💨

Last updated: 12/11/2020, 6:27:18 AM